Welz Kauffman
Aaron Dworkin Aaron Dworkin

Welz Kauffman

“One way to get to know folks in an institution like Ravinia or an orchestra, opera company, dance company or theatre is to not use the words “mission statement” because everyone goes to sleep when you say it… but to talk about… Who are we? Is who we are everything we want to be or could be? And, if not… how do we get there?” Welz Kauffman, Ravinia Festival President and CEO shares the process of evolution within arts organizations.

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Margaret Lioi
Aaron Dworkin Aaron Dworkin

Margaret Lioi

“Confusion and ambiguity are not your friends. You must know what it is you want to do. After you have articulated what that is, you have to make some sort of tangible, tactical plan to get you where you want to go.” Margaret Lioi, CEO of Chamber Music America shares how to develop as a musician in today’s world.

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Victoria Robey
Aaron Dworkin Aaron Dworkin

Victoria Robey

“Music is a universal language and it has the capacity to pull at your heart in a funny way and if you need something, some inspiration to draw on, I think you can find a piece of music for any need.” Hear Victoria Robey, Chairman of the London Philharmonic Orchestra speak to the power of music in a changing world.

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